The ludwig maximilian university of munich is one of the most oldest and most fascinating center of learning that are offered at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen which is in German language as one of the pioneers in the field of higher education that are well supported with the research facilities and also the fact that it is one of the oldest German University. It was first founded in 1472 by Duke Ludwig IX of Bavaria-Landshut in Ingolstadt and later it was transferred to Landshut by King Maximilian I of Bavaria and to the present state of Munich later in 1826. There are various faculties that are part of the institute with students who are pouring from all around the world to learn from the best in diverse field and categories.
For getting any necessary information that are required about ludwig maximilian university of munich address can be received from the location of the main campus at Munich, Germany. There are eighteen faculties all together under it and various other research centers, here are the faculties that are found here as :
There are various programs that are found here as ludwig maximilian university of munich graduate programs apart from it there is the undergraduate, postgraduate, professional, online and research section. It is also comprised of Germany's finest library systems and has various facilities that are both for the students and the faculty members with the best of the residential facilities and others.
The ludwig maximilian university of munich eligibility is based on the excellence of the students based on their academic credentials that are also further done with the help of the various other tests and facts that are undertaken by respective faculty members. There are various other facilities that are also provided that includes the scholarships and funds that are provided by the university and the trust for students who are financially low but are genius in their field.
Further as part of the ludwig maximilian university of munich masters are also offered in relation to its masters program that are well programmed for higher studies. Over the years it has been in the limelight for producing eminent scientist, personalities from various backgrounds along with their unique and wonderful discoveries that they have made in their field. It is also proud to be one of the hundred most influential and famous universities in the world and it is among the fifties most modern universities in the world.