Online Empire College

The online empire college offers diverse categories of courses that are offered under its leadership to offer students the chance to enhance themselves and grow so as to increase their probability to get a better jobs in Saratoga Springs, New York, America.

It has various areas such as undergraduate, degrees, certificate and diverse online courses allowing the students to take up series of class at their own time as online program allows the freedom for studying at their own flexibility. It was established in 1971 with higher studies with highly qualified faulty members and has state of the art facilities for resident student with all the modern amenities such as technologies and library’s that has journals and books for different topics from all around the world.

The empire college online courses are comprised of: Areas of Study:
  • The Arts
  • Business, Management and Economics
  • Community and Human Services
  • Cultural Studies
  • Educational Studies
  • Historical Studies
  • Human Development
  • Interdisciplinary Studies
  • Labor Studies
  • Public Affairs
  • Science, Mathematics and Technology
  • Social Science
Again the empire college online degree consists of:
Online Course:
  • Graduate Certificates (online)
  • Child and Family Advocacy (12 credits)
  • Community Advocacy (12 credits)
  • Financial Management and Analysis (12 credits)
  • Global Brand Marketing (12 credits)
  • Health Care Management (12 credits)
  • Human Resource Management (12 credits)
  • Innovation Management and Technology Transfer (12 credits)
  • Nonprofit Management (12 credits)
  • Optometry Business Management (18 credits)
  • Project Management (12 credits)
  • Public History (15 credits)
  • Public Sector Labor and Employment Policy (12 credits)
  • Veterans' Services (12 credits)
  • Women's and Gender Studies (12 credits)
Master's Degrees:
Business, Management and Leadership:
  • Master of Business Administration in Global Leadership (online)
  • Master of Business Administration in Management (online with residencies)
  • Veteran and Military MBA Pathway
  • Master of Arts in Adult Learning (online)
  • Master of Arts in Learning and Emerging Technologies (online)
Master of Arts in Teaching (online with in-person requirements):
  • Transitional B certification pathway
  • Clinically rich residency pathway
Master of Education in Teaching and Learning (online) Liberal Studies:
  • Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (online with residencies)
Policy Studies:
  • Master of Arts in Community and Economic Development (online)
  • Master of Arts in Labor and Policy Studies (online with residencies)
  • Master of Arts in Social Policy (online with residencies)
  • Master of Science in Nursing Education (online)
The empire college online mba has the following:
Business and Environmental Sustainability Certificate:
  • Principles of Environmental Sustainability
  • Ecological Economics
  • Ethics and the Ecology of Business
  • Managing Sustainable Organizations
Master of Business Administration in Management:
  • Executive Assessment and Development
  • Scanning the Business Environment
  • High-performance Management
  • Management Information Systems
  • Human Systems and Behavior
  • Accounting and Finance
  • Operations Management
  • Managerial Economics
  • Managerial Reasoning
  • Marketing Management
  • Managerial Decision Making
  • Strategic Analysis and Executive Choice
  • Strategic Executive Leadership
  • Choose electives that emphasize your professional focus, such as:
  • International business
  • Marketing
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Corporate communications
  • Human-Resource development and management
  • Public and nonprofit management